Dallas & Martin

There are no rules in this world . This blog is totally different from others , here I show my best emotional images about this wedding . This wedding was very special for me an unique wedding . 80% of the guest ( including bride and groom ) are deaf . It was a challenge for me to find the way to communicate with them , but guess what ? It was the most amazing experience that I had in my life  because you only emotions by them , the way the communicate is incredible , the way their eyes were connected , you don’t need to hear words to see they love each other . I was in charge of document every second , and not worrying about what they want , because i know the trust me as their photographer .  I think of deaf people no differently than I would think of a non-deaf person. is just learning a new language . Thanks to Dallas & Martin for let be part of your A.M.A.Z.I.N.G day !

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destination wedding Colombia